Portrait Photography

Photography will always be the way I connect with people. I feel like I’m always living in this state of predictive nostalgia. Every moment I experience I try to capture it so I have it for later. 

I fell in love with photography when I was 17 and was frequently taking photos of my favourite local bands when I went to gigs at the weekend. I love to take photos of interesting people - artists and musicians and writers. It became this wonderful way for me to meet and connect to people I aspired to be like. On the flip side I also love documenting my friends. Capturing their face in a specific moment of time, only to become a memory of a person they once were.

I love analogue photography because to me it feels more creative. It’s more like creating a piece of artwork because the photos don’t really come out how the scene looked in real life. It looks more magical on film. It’s almost like this twilight zone I’m creating. And as we photograph things, we are inevitably photographing loss because the things in the photos will never be the same again.

I love to take people’s portraits. It is my way of remembering them as how I loved them in that moment, and capturing a time that can never be returned to. That’s one of my favourite things about photography - it’s a permanent freeze frame of your life. I prefer taking portraits because I am the most inspired by people and their faces. I mostly take portraits in black and white. As the photojournalist Ted Grant once said, “When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls”.